Recent Publications
Sponbeck J, Frandsen CR, Swanson DA, Swanson DC, Ridge SET, Johnson AW. 2021. Leg muscle cross-sectional area measured by ultrasound is highly correlated with MRI. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research. 14(5).
Sponbeck JK, Hunter I, Neves KA, Swanson DC, Swanson DA, Johnson AW. 2021. Achilles tendon single bout and season long adaptations during early and late collegiate cross-country season. Physical Therapy in Sports. 47:114-119. [Website
Johnson AW, Adams L, Kho J, Green D, Pace N, Mitchell UH. 2021. Extended Field-of-View Ultrasound Imaging is Reliable for Measuring Transversus Abdominis Muscle Size at Rest and During Contraction. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 22(1):282.
Christensen SK, Johnson AW, Wagoner NV, Corey TE, McClung MS, Hunter I. 2021. Ground Reaction Forces of Eight Irish Dance Landings Considerations for Overuse Injury and Training. Journal of Dance Medicine and Science. 25(1):30-37.
Vehrs PR, Barker H, Nomiyama M, Vehrs Z, Toth M, Uvacsek M, Mitchell UH, Johnson AW. 2021. Sex differences in dysfunctional movements and asymmetries in young normal weight, overweight, and obese school children. Children. 8(3).
Jeong H, Johnson AW, Feland JB, Petersen S, Staten J, Bruening DA. 2021. Added Body Mass Alters Plantar Shear Stresses, Postural Control, and Gait Kinetics: Implications for Obesity. Plos One. 16(2).
Ridge SET, Bruening DA, Charles SK, Stahl C, Smith D, Reynolds R, Adamo B, Adair C, Manwaring P, King D. 2020. IceSense Proof of Concept: Calibrating an Instrumented Figure Skating Blade to Measure On-Ice Forces. Sensors. 20(24):7082-7097.
Gifford JR, Crossley K, Porter D, Ellsworth J, Caldwell T, Feland JB, Mitchell UH, Johnson AW, Eggett DL. 2020. Effect of Cuff Pressure on Blood Flow during Blood Flow-restricted Rest and Exercise. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise.
Neves CD, Sponbeck JK, Mitchell UH, Hunter I, Johnson AW. 2020. The Achilles tendon response to a bout of running is not affected by triceps surae stretching training in runners. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 19(2):358–363.
Johnson AW, Stoneman P, McClung M, Wagoner NV, Corey T, Bruening DA, Hunter TD, Myrer JW, Ridge SET. 2020. Use of Cine-loops and Structural Landmarks in Ultrasound Image Processing Improves Reliability and Reduces Error in the Assessment of Foot and Leg Muscles. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 39(6):1107-1116. [Website
Bruening DA, Baird AR, Weaver KJ, Rasmussen AT. 2020. Whole body kinematic sex differences persist across non-dimensional gait speeds. Plos One. 15(8):e0237449. [Website
Johnson AW, Stoneman P, McClung M, Wagoner NV, Corey T, Bruening DA, Hunter TD, Myrer JW, Ridge SET. 2020. Use of Cine-loops and Structural Landmarks in Ultrasound Image Processing Improves Reliability and Reduces Error in the Assessment of Foot and Leg Muscles. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 39(6):1107-1116. [Website
Henderson AD, Johnson AW, Rasmussen LG, Peine WP, Symons SH, Scoresby KA, Ridge SET, Bruening DA. 2020. Early-Stage Diabetic Neuropathy Reduces Foot Strength and Intrinsic but Not Extrinsic Foot Muscle Size. Journal of Diabetes Research. 2020:9536362. [Website
Kwon S, Bruening DA, Morrin SJ, Kunz D, Hopkins JT, Seeley MK. 2020. Simultaneous ice and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation decrease anterior knee pain during running but do not affect kinematics or associated muscle inhibition. Clinical Biomechanics. 72:1-7. [Website
Older Publications
Bruening DA, Ridge ST, Jacobs JL, Olsen MT, Griffin DW, Ferguson DH, Bassett KE, Johnson AW. 2019. Functional assessments of foot strength: a comparative and repeatability study. BMC Musculoskletal Disorders. 20:608. doi:10.1186/s12891-019-2981-6
Henderson AD, Johnson AW, Ridge ST, Egbert JS, Curtis KP, Berry L, Bruening DA. 2019. Diabetic Gait is Not Just Slow Gait: Gait Compensations in Diabetic Neuropathy. Journal of Diabetes Research. doi:10.1155/2019/4512501
Olsen M, Bruening DA, Johnson AW, Ridge ST, The Role of the Midfoot in Drop Landings.” Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2019 Website
Ridge ST, Olsen MT, Bruening DA, Jurgensmeier K, Griffin D, Davis I, Johnson AW, Walking in minimalist shoes is effective for strengthening foot muscles, 2019 Website
Moody, DC, Hunter, I, Ridge, ST, Myrer, WJ., Comparison of varying heel to toe differences and cushion to barefoot running in novice minimalist runners, 2018
Bruening D, Pohl M, Takahashi K, Barrios J, Midtarsal locking, the Windlass Mechanism, and Running Strike Pattern: A Kinematic and Kinetic Assessment, 2018 Website
Bruening D, Takahashi K, Partitioning Ground Reaction Forces for Multi-Segment Foot Joint Kinetics, 2018 Website
Bruening DA, Reynolds RE, Adair CW, Zapalo P, Ridge ST, A Sport-Specific Wearable Jump Monitor for Figure Skating, 2018
Ridge, S, Myrer, JW, Olsen, M, Jurgensmeier, K, Johnson, AW, Reliability of doming and toe flexion testing to quantify foot muscle strength, 2017
Son SJ, Kim H, Seeley MK, Hopkins JT, Movement Strategies among Groups of Chronic Ankle Instability, Coper, and Control, 2017
Bruening DA, Cooney TE, Ray MS, Daut GA, Cooney KM, Galey SM, Multi-Segment Foot Kinematic and Kinetic Compensations in Level and Uphill Walking Following Tibiotalar Arthrodesis, 2016 Website
Prusak KM, Prusak KA, Hunter I, Seeley MK, Hopkins JT, A comparison of two tape techniques on navicular drop and center of pressure measurements during stance, 2014
Hopkins JT, Coglianese M, Reese S, Seeley MK., Alterations in Evertor/Invertor Muscle Activation and COP Trajectory During a Forward Lunge in Participants with Functional Ankle Instability, 2012
Kaminski TW, Hertel J, Amendola N, Docherty C, Dolan MJ, Hopkins JT, Nussbaum E, Poppy W, Richie D., National Athletic Trainers’ Association Position Statement: Conservative Management and Prevention of Ankle Sprains in Athletes, 2013
Hopkins JT, Coglianese M, Glasgow P, Reese S, Seeley MK., Alterations in Evertor/Invertor Muscle Activation and COP Trajectory in Patients with Chronic Ankle Instability, 2012
Hopkins JT, Brown TN, Christensen L, Palmieri-Smith RM., Deficits in Peroneal Latency and Electromechanical Delay in Patients with Functional Ankle Instability, 2009
Palmieri-Smith R, Hopkins JT, Brown T., Peroneal muscle inhibition and dynamic muscle activation in persons with functional ankle instability, 2009
Bruening DA, Cooney KM, Buczek FL, Analysis of a kinetic multi-segment foot model part I: model repeatability and kinematic validity, 2012
Bruening DA, Cooney KM, Buczek FL, Analysis of a kinetic multi-segment foot model part II: kinetics and clinical implications, 2012 Website
Bruening DA, Cooney KM, Buczek FL, Richards JG, Measured and estimated ground reaction forces for multi-segment foot models, 2010 Website
Bruening DA, Crewe AN, Buczek FL, A simple, anatomically based correction to the conventional ankle joint center, 2008 Website
Bruening DA, Ridge SE, Comparison of automated event detection algorithms in pathological gait, 2014 Website
Bruening DA, Richards JG, The effects of articulated figure skates on jump landing forces, 2006 Website
Bruening DA, Richards JG, Optimal ankle axis position for articulated boots, 2005 Website
Hopkins JT, Moss W, Feland JB, Hunter I, Static Stretching Does Not Alter Pre and Post-landing Muscle Activation, 2011
Logan S, Hunter I, Hopkins JT, Feland JB, Ground Reaction force differences between running shoes, racing flats and distance spikes in runners, 2010
Midgley W, Hopkins JT, Feland JB, Merrill RG, Hunter I, The effects of ankle bracing on dynamic restraint characteristics of the ankle in volleyball players, 2006
Midgley W, Hopkins JT, Feland JB, Kaiser DA, Merrill RG, Hunter I, The effects of external ankle support on dynamic restraint characteristics of the ankle in volleyball players, 2007
Hopkins JT, Hunter I, McLoda TA, Effects of ankle joint cooling on peroneal latency and activation, 2006
Neves KA, Johnson AW, Hunter I, Myrer JW, Does Achilles tendon cross sectional area differ after downhill, level and uphill running in trained runners?, 2014
Ridge SE, Johnson AW, Mitchell UH, Hunter I, Robinson E, Rich BS, Brown SD, Foot Bone Marrow Edema after 10-week Transition to Minimalist Running Shoes, 2013
Moss WR, Feland JB, Hunter I, Hopkins JT., Static Stretching Does Not Alter Pre and Post-landing Muscle Activation, 2011
Logan S, Hunter I, Hopkins JT, Feland JB, Parcell A, Davidson R., Ground reaction force differences between running shoes, racing flats and distance spikes in runners, 2010
Long B, Hopkins JT., Superficial Moist Heat Does Not Influence Soleus Function, 2009
Midgley W, Hopkins JT, Feland JB, Merrill G, Hunter I., The effects of ankle bracing on dynamic restraint characteristics of the ankle in volleyball players, 2006
Hopkins JT, McLoda TA, McCaw ST., Muscle Activation Following Sudden Ankle Inversion During Standing and Walking , 2007
Hopkins JT, Hunter I, McLoda TA., Effects of ankle joint cooling on peroneal latency and activation, 2006Website
Linford CW, Hopkins JT, Shulthies SS, Feland JB, Draper DO., Effects of neuromuscular training on the reaction time and electromechanical delay of the peroneus longus , 2006
Hopkins JT, Palmieri RA., Effects of ankle joint effusion on lower extremity function , 2004
Hopkins JT, Stencil R., Ankle cryotherapy facilitates soleus function , 2004