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Bruce Bailey

Exercise Sciences

Continuing Education
Provo, UT 84602

Research Interests

My primary research interest lies in studying the influence of lifestyle (specifically diet, physical activity and sleep) on the prevention and treatment of chronic disease (Lifestyle Medicine). In addition, I am interested in how these behaviors interact we each other. Lifestyle behaviors and health habits are among the most important health determinants. Understanding the causal relationship between lifestyle and disease as well as establishing interventions to positively alter behavioral patterns is foundational to effective evidence based medical care, disease prevention and health promotion.

Teaching Interests

Stress Management
Weight Management
Personal Fitness

Honors and Awards

  • Skaggs Distinguished Faculty Mentoring Fellowship, Brigham Young University, College of LIfe Sciences (2021 - Present)


  • ACSM American College of Sports Medicine (2002 - Present)
  • TOS, The Obesity Society (2001 - Present)

Courses Taught


Landon S. Deru Elizebeth Z. Gipson Katelynn E Hales Benjamin Thomas Bikman Lance E Davidson Benjamin D. Horne James Derek LeCheminant Larry Allan Tucker Bruce W Bailey L S Deru C J Chamberlain G R Lance E Z Gipson Benjamin Thomas Bikman Lance E Davidson Larry Allan Tucker J L Coleman Bruce W Bailey Sharla E Compton Michael J Larson James Derek LeCheminant Larry Allan Tucker Bruce W Bailey Joshua L Smith Kaylie A Carbine Michael J Larson Larry Allan Tucker William F Christensen James Derek LeCheminant Bruce W Bailey Ciera Bartholomew J B Muhlestein H T May V T Le O Galenko K D Garrett C Brunker R O Hopkins JF Carrlquist K U Knowlton J L Anderson Bruce W Bailey Benjamin D Horne Landon S Deru Benjamin Thomas Bikman Lance E Davidson Larry Allan Tucker Gilbert W Fellingham Ciera L Bartholomew Holly L Yuan Bruce W Bailey Bruce W Bailey Alexandra M Muir Ciera L Bartholomew William F Christensen Kaylie A Carbine Harrison Marsh Hunter LaCouture Chance McCutcheon Michael J Larson Klarissa R Wilkinson Larry A Tucker Lance E Davidson Bruce W Bailey Whitney A. Hebbert Wyatt Sessions Matthew Allen Bruce W Bailey Mary Efraim Christopher B Kirwan N M Muncy Larry Allan Tucker Sun-ku Kwon Bruce W Bailey Kaylie A Carbine Jillesa Anderson Michael J Larson James Derek LeCheminant Bruce W Bailey James Fowler Larry A. Tucker James Derek LeCheminant Bruce W Bailey Ciera L Bartholomew J B Mhulestein JL Anderson HT May KU Knowlton TL Bair VT Le Bruce W Bailey B Horne Bruce W Bailey Landon Deru William F Christensen Steven Tanner Ward Matt L Starr Andrew J Stevens Ciera L Bartholomew Wyatt Sessions Larry Allan Tucker McKayla J Niemann Larry A. Tucker Bruce W Bailey Lance E Davidson Larry A Tucker James R Fowler Bruce W Bailey James D. LeCheminant Bruce W Bailey Cierra L Bartholomew Celab Summerhays Landon Deru Sharla Compton Larry Allan Tucker James Derek LeCheminant Joseph Hicks Shelby Firouzi Larry Allan Tucker James Derek LeCheminant Bruce W Bailey Bruce W Bailey Gabrielle LeCheminant Larry Allan Tucker Timothy Hope Matthew Bell Keilah E Martinez Larry Allan Tucker Bruce W Bailey James Derek LeCheminant K A Carbine E Christensen James Derek LeCheminant Bruce W Bailey Larry Allan Tucker Michael J Larson Kaylie Carbine Michael J Larson Lora Romney Larry Allan Tucker Bruce W Bailey Tyler Clark James Derek LeCheminant Gabrielle Marie LeCheminant James Derek LeCheminant Larry Allan Tucker Bruce W Bailey K Carbine MJ Larson L Romney Bruce W Bailey Larry Allan Tucker William F Christensen James Derek LeCheminant Keilah Martinez Larry Allan Tucker Bruce W Bailey James Derek LeCheminant Lance E Davidson Lora Romney Michael J Larson Tyler Clark Larry Allan Tucker Bruce W Bailey James Derek LeCheminant Larry Allan Tucker Jared M Tucker Bruce W Bailey James Derek LeCheminant Larry Allan Tucker Pete Arens Bruce W Bailey James Derek LeCheminant Larry Allan Tucker Andrea Erickson James Derek LeCheminant Bruce W Bailey Larry Allan Tucker Eric Strong James Derek LeCheminant Bruce W Bailey Bruce W Bailey Annette B Perkins Larry Allan Tucker James Derek LeCheminant Breckann Moncur Larry Allan Tucker Neil Nokes Bruce W Bailey James Derek LeCheminant Bruce W Bailey Mathew Hill James Derek LeCheminant Larry Allan Tucker Marshall Hill William Erico William F Christensen Bruce W Bailey Pamela Borup Larry Allan Tucker James Derek LeCheminant Mathew Allen Whitney Hebbert Larry Allan Tucker Elizabeth Fosson Bruce W Bailey James Derek LeCheminant Larry Allan Tucker James Derek LeCheminant Bruce W Bailey Jared M Tucker Larry Allan Tucker James Derek LeCheminant Bruce W Bailey Bliss Hanlon Michael J Larson Bruce W Bailey James Derek LeCheminant Ronald L Hager James David George James Derek LeCheminant Bruce W Bailey William John Vincent Bruce W Bailey Pamela Borup Mathew Allen Marshall Hill James Derek LeCheminant Bruce W Bailey Larry Allan Tucker Travis Peterson James Derek LeCheminant E P Kirk R A Washburn Bruce W Bailey James Derek LeCheminant J E Donnelly C A Gibson Bruce W Bailey James Derek LeCheminant E K Kirk J E Donnelly


Landon Deru Austin F Duersch Bruce W Bailey
Bruce W Bailey Jacob Coleman Landon Deru Hunter Chamberlain Garret Lance
Landon Deru Benjamin T Bikman Lance E Davidson Larry A Tucker Bruce W Bailey
Bruce W Bailey Alex H Muir Ciera L Bartholomew William F Christensen Kaylie Carbine Harrison Marsh Hunter LaCouture Chance McCutcheon Michael J Larson
Jacobe Coleman Alex Muir Ciera Bartholomew William F Christensen Michael J Larson Bruce W Bailey
Bruce W Bailey Mary Efraim Christopher B Kirwan MS Muncy SK Kwon
Landon Deru Ciera L Bartholomew Andrew Stevens Tanner Ward Matthew Starr Bruce W Bailey
Bruce W Bailey Mary Efraim Harrison Marsh Chance McCutcheon Hunter LaCouture Landon Johnson
Ciera L Bartholomew Michael J Larson Hunter LaCouture K Carbine Harrison Marsh Chance McCutcheon Bruce W Bailey
Bruce W Bailey Mary White Harrison Marsh Chance McCutcheon Hunter LaCouture Landon Johnson
James Fowler Larry Allan Tucker James Derek LeCheminant Bruce W Bailey
Bruce W Bailey Jillesa Anderson Chance Glenn Michael J Larson James Derek LeCheminant
Bruce W Bailey Jillesa Anderson Chase Glenn James Derek LeCheminant
Bruce W Bailey LeCheminant Gabrielle Timothy Hope Matthew Bell James Derek LeCheminant
James Derek LeCheminant Lora Romney Tyler Kimball Andrew Black Bruce W Bailey Michael J Larson
Ed Christenson Bruce W Bailey Larry Allan Tucker James Derek LeCheminant
Tyler Clark Bliss Hanlon Bruce W Bailey Michael J Larson James Derek LeCheminant
Ed Christenson Bruce W Bailey Larry Allan Tucker James Derek LeCheminant
James Derek LeCheminant Bliss Hanlon Jenny Roberts Michael J Larson Bruce W Bailey