This research study is being conducted by Sarah Ridge, PhD, Wayne Johnson, PhD, PT, and Dustin Bruening, PhD at Brigham Young University to determine properties of the plantar fascia in people who suffer from plantar fasciitis and compare them with those who do not.
Researchers are interested in understanding how minimalist shoes influences foot development. Walking motions are analyzed while subjects wear normal shoes, minimalist shoes, and no shoes.
More Info
Plantar Shear Stress Increases with Added Body Mass
Hwiguem Jeong Elevated body mass has been shown to increase vertical planter pressure that presumably contributes to collapsed arch height, reduced planter mechanoreceptor sensitivity, postural instability, and altered gait mechanics.
Ground Reaction Force Measurements for Multi-Segment Foot Joint Mechanics
Spencer Peterson Lab members collect detailed foot-to-ground interactions by integrating standard motion capture with the latest in plantar pressure and shear sensing technology (FootSTEPS)
Windlass Mechanism and Foot Energetics
Lauren Williams Exploring the foot's dynamic role in gait through analysis of the energetic interplay between the metatarsophalangeal and midtarsal joints. This is accomplished through systematic manipulation of the first metatarsophalangeal joint during walking and related tasks.
Are Foot Structure and Foot Function Related?
Finding and specifying a link between foot structure and function may be important for preventing lower extremity injuries, treating injuries, and even appropriate design and/or selection of footwear. Data collected to answer this question include measurements of arch height, foot muscle size, foot muscle strength, balance, among other relevant metrics.
Footwear and Foot Health
Can changing your footwear improve foot pain, muscle strength, muscle size, balance, and/or performance?
Figure Skating Jump Counter
We are working on developing a sensor that will help skaters monitor how many jumps they do during training. This will also provide important information about the quality of the jumps.
In collaboration with a group from Computer Science, led by Michael Jones -
Figure Skating Force-Sensing Blade (IceSense)
We are developing an instrumented figure skate blade that will allow researchers to measure on-ice forces during take-off and landing. We hope to be able to use information collected from the blade to help inform coaching, skating technique, training, equipment design, and injury prevention protocols.