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Robert Hyldahl

Associate Professor
Exercise Sciences

272 SFH - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602


Dr. Hyldahl is an associate professor of Exercise Sciences. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training from the University of Utah, and his PhD in Kinesiology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His laboratory studies the cellular and molecular mechanisms of skeletal muscle in response to injury and disuse, with emphasis on the effect of aging on these processes. Most recently, his laboratory has been involved in a series of studies to determine how repeated exposure to heat stress can result in skeletal muscle adaptation, and can mitigate the deleterious effects of limb disuse on muscle and vascular function. The primary goal of his research is to hopefully develop effective clinical interventions to enhance muscle function in the face of injury and aging.

Research Interests

Dr Hyldahl is the director of the Skeletal Muscle Adaptation and Regenerative Therapeutics Laboratory (SMARTlab). The overarching goal of SMARTlab is to contribute in a meaningful way to the development of clinical interventions to maintain skeletal muscle vitality through the lifespan. To achieve this goal, we strive primarily to undertake studies in human skeletal muscle through innovative and novel approaches, supplementing, where appropriate, with mechanistic experiments in relevant animal and in vitro models. Of particular interest are: 1) The effect of externally applied modalities (e.g., heat/cold stress, massage etc.) on muscle metabolic and regenerative function, and their potential as therapeutic interventions; 2) Stem cell approaches to the treatment of volumetric muscle loss; and 3) The role of extracellular matrix remodeling and inflammation in muscle repair and adaptation to exercise;


  • Ph.D., Kinesiology , University of Massachusetts Amherst (2011)
  • M.S., Kinesiology , University of Massachusetts Amherst (2008)
  • B.S., Exercise Science , Athletic Training, University of Utah (2003)

Licenses and Certifications


  • American Physiological Society (2008 - Present)
  • American College of Sports Medicine (2006 - Present)

Courses Taught


Hyunwook Lee Dallin Clinger Minsub Oh Seunguk Han Steven P Allen Garritt L Page Dustin Andrew Bruening Robert Douglas Hyldahl Jon Tyson Hopkins Matthew K Seeley Matthew K Seeley Jacob Palmer Hyunwook Lee Minsub Lee Seunguk Han Steven P Allen Garritt L Page Dustin Andrew Bruening Robert Douglas Hyldahl Jon Tyson Hopkins B Pfeifer B King M Ahmadi J P Kaluhiokalani K S Shimizu W N Hunter C Deshler M N Nielsen Chad R Hancock William Bradley Nelson Robert Douglas Hyldahl Brandon Pfeifer Briell King Mohadeseh Ahmadi Jamie P Kaluhiokalani Krista S Shimizu W Noah Hunter Colin Deschler madeline N Nielsen Chad R Hancock William Bradley Nelson Robert Douglas D Hyldahl B Pfeifer William Bradley Nelson Robert Douglas Hyldahl Jamie P Kaluhiokalani Taysom E Wallace Mohadeseh Ahmadi Erik D Marchant Jack Mehling Stepan Altuhov Abigail Dorff Olivia K Leach Jessica J James Chad R Hancock Robert D Hyldahl Jayson R Gifford Robert D Hyldahl Jayson R Gifford Lance E Davidson Chad R Hancock Paul S Hafen Allen C Parcell Gary W Mack M R Deyhle D Tiede L Xin Robert Douglas Hyldahl M J Hubal Erik D Marchant Robert Douglas Hyldahl Jayson R Gifford William Bradley Nelson Chad R Hancock M Ahmadi A Karlsen J Mehling C Soendenbroe A L Mackey Robert Douglas Hyldahl Bradley C Naylor Christian K Anderson Marcus Hadfield David Parkinson Austin Ahlstrom Austin Hannamann Chad Quilling Kyle Cutler Russell Denton Robert Adamson Rebecca Burlett Thomas Angel John Carlile Dallon Mark Kenneth Transtrum Robert Douglas Hyldahl John Calvin Price Erik D Marchant Jaimie P Kaluhiokalani Taysom E Wallace Mohadeseh Ahmadi Abigail Dorff Jessica J Linde Olivia K Leach Robert D Hyldahl Jayson R Gifford Chad R Hancock Erik Marchant Nathan Marchant Robert Hyldahl Jayson R Gifford Michael Smith Chad Hancock Robert D. Hyldahl Paul S. Hafen William Bradley Nelson Mohadeseh Ahmadi Brandon Pfeifer Jack Mehling Jayson R. Gifford Ryan d Magoffin Allen Clive Parcell Robert Douglas Hyldahl Gilbert W Fellingham Jon Tyson Hopkins Jeffrey Brent Feland Brady M. Smith David O. Draper Robert D. Hyldahl Justin H. Rigby B M Smith David O Draper Robert Douglas Hyldahl Justin Holbrook Rigby Chase M Walton Samuel M Jacobsen Blake W Dallon Erin R Saito Shantelle L H Bennett Lance E Davidson David M Thomson Robert D Hyldahl Benjamin T Bikman Robert Douglas Hyldahl J M Peake M R Deyhle M Carlisle Jacob R Sorensen P S Hafen K Jesperson M Ahmadi Chad R Hancock Robert Douglas Hyldahl M R Deyhle M Carlisle J R Sorensen P S Hafen K Jesperson M Ahmadi Chad R Hancock Robert Douglas Hyldahl J R Sorensen J P Kaluhiokalani P S Hafen M R Deyhle Allen Clive Parcell Robert Douglas Hyldahl P S Hafen K Abbott Jennifer A Bowden R Lopiano Chad R Hancock Robert Douglas Hyldahl Ryan D Magoffin Allen Clive Parcell Robert Douglas Hyldahl Gilbert W Fellingham Jon Tyson Hopkins Jeffrey Brent Feland Paul S. Hafen Coray N. Preece Jacob R. Sorensen Chad R Hancock Robert Douglas Hyldahl Michael R. Deyhle Robert Douglas Hyldahl Jacob R Sorensen J D Fuqua M R Deyhle J Parmley C Skousen Chad R Hancock Allen Clive Parcell Robert Douglas Hyldahl Jacob R. Sorensen Caitlin Skousen Alex Holland Kyle Williams Robert Douglas Hyldahl Jacob R Sorensen C Skousen A Holland K Williams Robert Douglas Hyldahl Jacob R. Sorensen Jordan D. Fuqua Michael R. Deyhle Jacob Parmley Caitlin Skousen Chad R Hancock Allen Clive Parcell Robert Douglas Hyldahl Michael R. Deyhle Paul S. Hafen Jacob Parmley Coray N. Preece Marissa Robison Jacob R. Sorensen Blake Jackson Dennis Lee Eggett Chad R Hancock Robert Douglas Hyldahl M R Deyhle P S Hafen J Parmley C N Preece M Robison Jacob R Sorensen B Jackson Dennis Lee Eggett Chad R Hancock Robert Douglas Hyldahl Robert Douglas Hyldahl T C Chen K Nosaka Robert Douglas Hyldahl Alyssa Evans Sunku Kwon Sarah Elizabeth Trager Ridge Eric Robinson Jon Tyson Hopkins Matthew K Seeley M. R. Deyhle A. M. Gier K. C. Evans Dennis Lee Eggett W. Bradley Nelson Allen Clive Parcell Robert Douglas Hyldahl M R Deyhle J R Sorensen Robert Douglas Hyldahl M R Deyhle Jacob R Sorensen Robert Douglas Hyldahl Robert D Hyldahl Amanda M Gier Kaitlyn C Evans Dennis L Eggett W Bradley Nelson Allen C Parcell Michael R Deyhle Robert Douglas Hyldahl W. Bradley Nelson L. Xin T. Welling L. Groscost M. J. Hubal S. Chipkin P. M. Clarkson Allen Clive Parcell Robert Douglas Hyldahl Brad Nelson Tyson Welling Logan Grocost Allen Clive Parcell Michael Dehyle Allen Clive Parcell Robert Douglas Hyldahl Katherine E LaBarbera Robert Douglas Hyldahl Kevin S O'Fallon Priscilla M Clarkson Sara Witkowski Robert Douglas Hyldahl Brad Nelson Ling Xin Tyson Welling Logan Groscost Monica J Hubal Stuart Chipkin Priscilla Clarkson Allen Clive Parcell Dayong Chen Robert Douglas Hyldahl Ryan C Hayward Robert Douglas Hyldahl Ty Olson Tyson Welling Logan Groscost Allen Clive Parcell Jacob Sorensen Robert Douglas Hyldahl Allen Clive Parcell Allen Clive Parcell Brenda Benson Ryan Magoffin Robert Douglas Hyldahl David Morley Thomson Gary W Mack Robert Douglas Hyldahl Kailee Jackson Logan Groscost Tyson Welling Allen Clive Parcell Robert Douglas Hyldahl Monica J Hubal Allen Clive Parcell Brenda Benson Ryan Magoffin Robert Douglas Hyldahl David Morley Thomson Gary W Mack Ling Xin Robert Douglas Hyldahl Stuart R. Chipkin Priscilla M Clarkson Robert Douglas Hyldahl Ty Olson Michael G Leavitt Allen Clive Parcell Robert Douglas Hyldahl Lawrence M. Schwartz Priscilla M. Clarkson Robert Douglas Hyldahl Lawrence M Schwartz Priscilla M Clarkson Robert Douglas Hyldahl Ling Xin Stephanie Moekel-Cole Monica J. Hubal Stuart Chipkin Priscilla M. Clarkson Robert Douglas Hyldahl Jenifer Kodela Monica J Hubal Lawrence M Schwartz Priscilla M Clarkson Robert Douglas Hyldahl Kevin O'Fallon Larry M. Schwartz Priscilla M. Clarkson Robert Douglas Hyldahl Ling Xin Monica J Hubal Stephanie Moekel-Cole Stuart Chipkin Priscilla M Clarkson Robert Douglas Hyldahl Ramakrishnan Schwartz Ling Xin Robert D Hyldahl Karen L Riska Stuart Chipkin Mary A Murray Valerie Greger Priscilla M Clarkson Robert Douglas Hyldahl S Ramakrishnan Ling Xin Stuart Chipkin M Murray Valerie Shaver Prakash Prabhakar Karen Shaver Priscilla M Clarkson Robert Douglas Hyldahl Justin Keadle Pierre A. Rouzier Dennis Pearl Priscilla M. Clarkson Robert Douglas Hyldahl Sewright A Kimberly Lawrence M Schwartz Clarkson M Priscilla Robert Douglas Hyldahl Sewright A Kimberly Lawrence M Schwartz Priscilla M Clarkson Robert Douglas Hyldahl Priscilla M Clarkson


Jamie P Kaluhiokalani Taysom Wallace Mohadeseh Ahmadi Stepan Altuov Jack Mehling Jayson R Gifford Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Aubree L Remmel Hyunwook Lee Seunguk Han Minsub Oh Steven P Allen Garritt L Page Dustin Andrew Bruening Robert Douglas Hyldahl Jon Tyson Hopkins Matthew K Seeley
Dallin Clinger Hyunwook Lee Seunguk Han Minsub Oh Steven P Allen Garritt L Page Dustin Andrew Bruening Robert Douglas Hyldahl Jon Tyson Hopkins Matthew K Seeley
Jacob K Palmer Hyunwook Lee Seunguk Han Minsub Oh Steven P Allen Garritt L Page Dustin Andrew Bruening Robert Douglas Hyldahl Jon Tyson Hopkins Matthew K Seeley
Erin Atkinson Trevor Murphy Erik Marchant Sydney Poulsen Samuel Moore Christian Olsen Brandon Pfeifer Briell King Robert Douglas Hyldahl Chad R Hancock W Bradley Nelson
Jamie P Kaluhiokalani Robert Douglas Hyldahl Brandon Pfeifer Jack Mehling Mohadeseh Ahmadi
Mohadeseh Ahmadi Brandon Pfeifer Krista Shimizu Werner Hunter Madeleine Nelson Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Brandon S. Pfeifer Briell V. King Erin L. Atkinson Chad R Hancock Robert Douglas Hyldahl William Bradley Nelson
Boston J Anderson Jamie P Kaluhiokalani Jack Mehling Brandon S Pfeifer Mohadeseh Ahmadi Robert D Hyldahl
Mohadeseh Ahmadi Erik D Marchant Robert D Hyldahl
Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Jayson R Gifford Taysom Wallace Jaime Kalu Chad Hancock Robert Hyldahl Erik Marchant
Erik D Marchant Robert D Hyldahl Jayson R Gifford Chad R Hancock
Erin L Atkinson Trevor L Murphy Erik D Marchant Brandon S Pfeifer Robert D Hydahl W B Nelson Chad R Hancock
Jayson R Gifford Taysom Wallace Erik D Marchant Jamie Kaluhiokalani Robert Hyldahl Chad R Hancock
Erik Marchant Nathan Marchant Robert Hyldahl Jayson Gifford Michael Smith Chad R Hancock
Erik D Marchant Nathan D Marchant Robert D Hyldahl Jayson R Gifford Michael W Smith Chad R Hancock
Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Kaitlin Abbott Paul S. Hafen Jenifer Bowden Ryan Lopiano Chad R. Hancock Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Jamie Kaluhiokalani Jacob Sorensen Robert D. Hyldahl
T. Wallace P. Hafen Robert Douglas Hyldahl Jayson R Gifford
Robert Douglas Hyldahl Jayson R Gifford Allen Clive Parcell Chad R Hancock Lance E Davidson Gary W Mack
Jacob R. Sorensen Caitlin Skousen Alex Holland Kyle Williams Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Michael R Deyhle Kaitlin Evans Christopher Suttom Jacob Parmley Jacob R Sorensen Robert Douglas Hyldahl
A. Evans Robert Douglas Hyldahl Sarah Elizabeth Trager Ridge S. Kwon Jon Tyson Hopkins E. Robinson Matthew K Seeley
A. Evans Robert Douglas Hyldahl Sarah Elizabeth Trager Ridge S. Kwon Jon Tyson Hopkins E. Robinson Matthew K Seeley
Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Paul S Hafen Chad R Hancock Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Jacob R Sorensen Alex Holland Christopher Sutton Allen Clive Parcell Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Robert Douglas Hyldahl Kazunori Nosaka Glyn Howatson Monica Hubal
Michael R Deyhle Coray Preece Marrisa Robison Jacob R Parmley Jacob R Sorensen Paul S Hafen Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Coray Preece Michael Deyhle Jacob R Sorensen Jacob Parmley Paul Hafen Marissa Robison Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Logan Groscost Jacob R Sorensen Alex Holland Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Amy Twitchell Paul Hafen Jacob Parmley Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Matthew K Seeley A Evans Robert Douglas Hyldahl S Kwon Sarah Elizabeth Trager Ridge E Robinson Jon Tyson Hopkins
A Evans Sarah Elizabeth Trager Ridge Robert Douglas Hyldahl S Kwon Jon Tyson Hopkins E Robinson Matthew K Seeley
Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Michael R Deyhle Kaitlyn Evans Jacob Sorensen Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Robert D Hyldahl
Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Robert Douglas Hyldahl
Robert Douglas Hyldahl