SYP Questions & Answers
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Why do high character teams sometimes lose?
Question: "Championship teams are often associated with character. Their team had character. But has there been any research done with teams that lose a lot but have character? And maybe there’s an assumption that teams that consistently lose don’t have character. Any research there? That could be why lower level teams at Shooters have the hardest time. Almost like a false notion that because you pay your tithing that you’ll get rewarded. I think character in teams is great, but perhaps taken too seriously in sports where talent/work ethic (from people without character) still win the day."
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How do I set character centered goals in sports?
Question: "How do you set goals that have impact on the field that don’t revolve around winning. What do those look like? And can they be measured with metrics? Like, I always pick up an opposing team member from off the ground? Or I’m going to do that 3 times this game? It’s hard to measure a goal about character that doesn’t involve winning."
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