Below are answers to questions that will help potential clients understand the purpose and scope of the Y Be Fit program. If you have any additional questions, feel free to submit them on our Feedback page.
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How does the cost of participating in the Y Be Fit program compare to similar services elsewhere?
The components of the Y Be Fit program, especially the health assessments, would cost hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in a hospital or medical setting. Y Be Fit is not designed to make a profit. The money YBeFit makes is simply used to pay the bills and keep the program running.
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What can I expect to get out of Y Be Fit?
Y Be Fit seeks to facilitate the adoption of healthy behaviors. We accomplish this through education and accountability. Y Be Fit Health Coaches will help you understand the results of your health assessments. They will also help you make realistic goals to improve your health and fitness levels. The health coaches can provide education on a variety of general health topics, provide encouragement through weekly accountability, and help problem solve behaviors that are difficult to change.
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What is the difference between a health coach and a personal trainer?
At Y Be Fit all the interns are trained to be health coaches. We help participants to adopt healthy behaviors through education and accountability. We provide encouragement each week and help problem solve behaviors that are difficult to change. Though some interns are certified personal trainers, we do not focus on that training. Personal trainers specialize in exercise prescription and instruction. Fitness assessments and general health and nutrition guidelines can be provided by both parties.
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What does Y Be Fit expect from me?
Y Be Fit expects clients to have a genuine interest in and feel personally responsible for their health. The more motivated individuals are to make health behavior changes, the more likely they are to succeed. Additionally, Y Be Fit expects clients to finish the program in a timely manner by attending weekly consultations. From start to finish, clients are expected to take about 4 months to finish the program. The program must be completed within 6 months.
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Are Y Be Fit staff professional health coaches?
The Y Be Fit staff is comprised of graduate and undergraduate students majoring in health-related fields. In addition to helping clients reach their lifestyle goals, one of the main purposes of Y Be Fit is to provide students with health coaching opportunities. This allows them to apply the knowledge they are gaining from their academic coursework. The experience they get working at Y Be Fit is a critical part of their education. Some of the health coaches are certified personal trainers as well. The Y Be Fit staff work hard to provide clients with quality service. They meet weekly to further their training and discuss how to better serve their clients. The health coaches do not replace a physician and may refer you to physicians, dietitian, or other professionals for additional advice and care that is beyond the scope of their training and education
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Can I participate in other BYU Wellness Challenges while participating in Y Be Fit?
BYU Wellness offers six challenges each year. Starting Jan. 1, 2015, participants in Y Be Fit do not automatically get credit with DMBA. Instead, they need to enroll in the concurrent Wellness Challenge(s) and track their exercise and/or Y Be Fit goals. Enrollment is the first two weeks of each odd month (e.g. January, March, May, etc) through the Wellness website. When they enroll in the challenge they will need to select “Y Be Fit goal(s)” as their personal goal on the challenge. Each day they exercise or fulfill their Y Be Fit requirement they can mark it off.
Y Be Fit participants will receive credit with DMBA if they participate in the Wellness Challenge and get the required 80 points. If they fall short of the 80 points, they won’t get credit for the challenge even though they are enrolled in Y Be Fit. In this way, Y Be Fit is a way to provide someone with more education and accountability to help them reach their goals. It is up to the participant to make sure they are enrolled in the Wellness Challenge and actively tracking progress towards their goal to receive credit from DMBA.
If you have questions, please contact BYU Wellness at 801-422-5011.
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Is there an attendance policy?
Yes. Y Be Fit requires participants to give 24 hours notice prior to the scheduled appointment for cancellation. If the participant does not comply with this policy, the appointment will be forfeited. Three missed appointments will result in program termination. One to two telephone follow-up visits are permitted when scheduled in advance.